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Hang in there - a letter of hope for my patients

My dear patients

And here we are still


The new norm
The new world
The new reality


So what are our options?
How do we go forward?
How do we traverse this uncharted, uninvited, unreal path and emerge unscathed at the other end?

I’m writing this to try and help us navigate this madness, to reach out and remind you that there are 8 billion out there who feel the same pain and who are struggling, like we are, to make sense of it all.

To recap:

Remember: this virus needs humans to transport it to the next victim who must be within 1 -2 metres to be reached – so stay out of reach 

Remember: this virus is killed by soap and water as long as it is applied in the correct manner and for 20 seconds at least – so wash your hands properly 

Remember: that wearing a 3 layered cloth mask protects those around you (and not yourself regard it as a condom!) – so wear one

Remember: that wearing a face shield/visor does protect you from those around you.- so wear one

Remember that the supplements that are advertised as “immune boosters” have no scientific basis and will only benefit those who sell them

Remember that the influenza and pneumonia vaccines, along with a few carefully chosen others, will protect you against those illnesses and keep you out of hospital – thereby preventing the health care facilities from becoming overwhelmed

Remember that being immunised keeps your airways healthy, preventing them from becoming compromised and less able to fend off other virusses including the Corona virus.

Remember that it is extremely important to keep your children’s immunisations and boosters up to date – there is a fear that there will be outbreaks of the other dread diseases such as measles and chicken pox as a result of parents forgetting about them or being too afraid to bring their children to the doctor. I manage a drive thru service whereby the patients come with 3 layered masks washed and sanitised, put their arms out the window and are given the injection by myself who will also be fully geared up so as to keep as safe as possible.

Remember that you can contact me at any time of the day or night – I am conducting all the initial consultations by means of virtual platforms such as Zoom or FaceTime

Remember that this too shall pass – we will come through stronger, more sane and with a new and much needed sense of kinship with the other beings on our planet.

The world had to be rebooted – but what a tragedy it had to be at such cost.

Hang in there, the end is worth the fight. 

Keep safe

Shelley Helllig

Someday we will look back on this moment and it will forever remind us never to take the little things for granted, like shaking hands with a stranger or having coffee with a friend. It will remind us to hug with all our hearts, to pause to appreciate holding someone’s hand, and to live in the moments that we are surrounded by others.
Author unknown